i'm back in sydney for the 2nd time in 18 months – what a great city. the weather is perfect, the food is great, and the people are wonderful. the first day i was completely out of it as i couldn't sleep well on the flight [once you get used to flat beds on ANA or BA, nothing else makes the grade unfortunately]. day 2 [tuesday] was spent in the de de ce gallery on liverpool street to set up the space for the press presentation. john expected 30-50 people of which only 10 showed, but it was nice to actually talk to everyone who was there. hopefully we'll get some great press mentions and start moving greater numbers in australia.
i gave a good presentation, similar to the ones i did at pecha-kucha in tokyo and new york last year but in doing so, i realized the direction i need to rework it. right now the slide show and talk is more of a time line of my projects. i made a note to myself to re-do when i get back to nyc to support a "motivation", "inspiration", "influences", "nooka now" and then "nooka tomorrow" format. or...hire a proper video artist to make a presentation to press and play:)
today, wednesday, i had lunch with john of de de ce [he has been the most amazing host...had a great dinner with his wife amanda and robert tuesday night as well] and then went to visit the design shop at the sydney opera house and the shop at the sydney museum. saw the collection of the sydney museum and a free tour of the opera house [thanks guys!]. i walked back through the domain and half of hyde park all the way to darlinghurst.

photos: a snap of the crowd at my presentation, the fairy sculpture i made for the gallery [john has a collection of art/artifacts from everyone who he works with and have made the trek to oz]. parking and signage at the world heritage site sydney opera house.