bio: HI. We are Nid And Sancy.We come from Ghent, Belgium, Europe. Our music is mostly electronic but we also use live instruments to create a tension and inject some sweat, rawness and life into our music.We have always been fond of strange sounds. We like energetic performances. We like punk in its truest DIY form. So far we recorded 3 albums ( plus one unofficial one) under this name and played countless shows throughout Europe, Asia and the USA.
Q1 i find that most creatives confuse "motivation" and "inspiration", and certainly there are times when they are the same. do you as artists see them one and the same or as different drivers for your creative process? No ,they are different to us. motivation encompasses a bigger thing in our view. Motivation is the bookshelf. Inspiration are the books. Its the drive that makes us do what we do without having to think about it.. We have worked together closely for years and we have never questioned why are musicians. Its a natural given. Like breathing. Inspiration is a different thing. its how you perceive the outside world into your work and alter it to your own perfection.
Q2 nid and sancy is obviously a play on "sid and nancy", the tragic couple of the sex pistols. can you tell me a bit about how you came about the name? The name came about because of 2 coincidental occurrences that had nothing to do with eachother.
In 2000 we had a project called "Galacticamendum" and we were invited to play our first two shows ever in a small electronica tent at a big and famous festival over here. At that time most of the other acts were noodlin on their laptops live and their live shows looked more like they were checking email then anything else. We didnt even have a laptop. Just some old boxes and vintage gear. We were much like a punk band, only with old electronic instruments. Afterwords the journalists described us as the Sid And Nancy of electronic music.
A bit later a theatre company invited us to NY to record sounds of the city and turn them into a soundtrack for their theatre play. Unknowigly, they had booked us in the Chelsea hotel , where Sid vicious reportedly murdered his girlfriend. Soon after we came back we started doing some bootleg mash ups and needed a different name then the unpronounceable "Galacticamendum"...and thats how we got to Nid And Sancy.
Q3 i know that visual presentation and design is very important to you. how to you feel now that itunes is the main market for your music as a design issue? Thats probably the biggest downside of itunes. The artwork doesnt come off the way it should. But we already felt that way with cd. So we're definately loosing ground here. We've also come to notice that kids dont seem to be hung up on artwork as before. They're happy just downloading a file. At the moment we are thinking how to incorporate our artwork in other ways into our work. As all the parameters are changing, we have to. The good thing is with new parameters, new opportunities arise. We are looking into an iphone app now and we will find ways of incorporating our artwork in there. Cds are almost gone...there are a lot of people playing music on their iphones. Even ipods will be a thing of the past sooner then we think. So its a situation that changes fast and will keep on changing fast.
Q4 what's next for you guys? coming to the states? Yeah. We are planning to come to the states. We just returned from playing Steve Aokis club in Los Angeles and the SXSW festival in Texas. We already played NY as well and are planning a few new dates. We have a small but dedicated following in the US that seems to keep growing and we love coming there. So we will definately put more energy towards it. Our sales have grown the most in the US over the last 2 years. We feel people are very perceptive to what we do and that has given us a very good vibe to work more on that "market".
Q5 what does nooka mean to you? Well.We never been big fans of watches but when we saw the Nookas on the website...Some models immediately appealed to us because they simply put the idea of a watch in a new perspective.
I am wearing the ZON right now and its just a pleasure to wear and look at. Also the idea of reading the time from the blocks. Its a fresh take on how you look at time by just displaying it in a different way.
Nookas are what we call classic futurism. They present something in a new way. When you come in contact with the nookas, all other watches look a bit bland and boring. And they are not gadget-like in any kind of way giving you all these whistles and bells you dont need. In that respect they are classic where they need to be and futuristic where they need to be. Great pieces!
nooka is available at fine stores and here. join nooka and love nooka on facebook and nookaNOW on twitter.
Nooka is an official sponsor of The Juan Maclean US Tour happening now!