this news broke on hypebeast a few days ago, so i apologize for the late post, but i’ll add my personal details. we gifted 15 glow-in-the-dark nookas for kanye west after he concluded his glow-in-the-dark-tour. i was lucky enough to have vip seating for the show in philly last month and would’ve given him one in person, but no one schooled me on how the back page pass works. i assumed that i could go back AFTER the concert, but we were stopped and told that backstage was closed. i was supposed to have gone backstage while the opening acts were performing, but i wanted to see rhianna etc....oh well. next time right? [by the time i got don on the fone, we were already stuck in the exit traffic from the parking lot]. i’m just happy that kanye was happy to receive the the most limited of our limited editions yet. note to rihanna: i love you but...please hire a new choreographer. i felt like i was watching a floor show in a suburban gay disco or a sprockets skit from snl.
some other blogs post the glow news here and here.
also: the blogs are reporting that they will not be available to the public. we will release a limited edition of the glow nooka for purchase in august. keep looking here or on nooka.com [or your fave design related blog].