ryan grant of the green bay packers stopped by the nooka lab this afternoon and left with a grey nooka strip [belt] and a gorgeous black zem with metal bracelet. ryan's a real nice guy! his profile on nfl.com here. i kinda like the candid shot i got in my camera. will post some of him rocking our wares when his agent send them our way. i'd love to write that we chatted about the superbowl, but i'd sound like an idiot if i tried to make-believe i know anything about football.
also, let's not forget about rebuilding haiti! In response to the tragic events in Haiti, Nooka Inc. will donate 10% of all online purchases* between January 21st and February 21st to Architecture for Humanity. Although food aid is important, it is a temporary solution. A better Haiti must be structurally prepared to weather another earthquake or hurricane.
Architecture for Humanity is a nonprofit design services firm founded in 1999. They are building a more sustainable future through the power of professional design. Recently, Architecture for Humanity launched a fund-raising appeal to support long term reconstruction efforts in Haiti. learn more about them or make a direct donation here.