(return of the diary-format blog entry!)
i arrived in salt lake city on wednesday night as flights later in the week were booked. i shared a hotel room with adrian michna where we talked music, mostly about the new york no-wave and club scene of the early 80s. the next morning we waited for everyone elses flights to come in – kate simko and her boyfriend brian from chicago, and susan from itunes [san francisco] before we all head up with missy and sam of ghostly records to a rented cabin east of park city.
we stopped at the largest walmart i've ever been to for provisions before heading up to find that the cabin has no internet, no ATT signal and the house fones blocks outgoing calls! missy's laptop is the only one that can pull an intermittent wifi signal [yet another reason NOT to buy a macair]. the house does have a great over chlorinated hot tub though. we all cooked together and are having a great time, so no complaints.
thursday we celebrated missy's 30th birthday, played rockband on the nintendo wii they brought.
friday we spent in park city, but like i feared, no celebs this year at sundance as everyone seems to be off to DC for the momentous obama inauguration on tuesday. missy is still confident our party today in SLC will get a good mix of locals, visiting celebs and MEDIA because of the combined PR of the ghostly, nooka and jared gold PR teams. the defjam party was fun, got a free 10 minute massage and drank liquor-sponsored cocktails. we then moved onto the new media installation, and after dinner, their opening party. tried to get into the defjam mariah party after that, but the line was a bit rediculous.
i haven't spotted any nooka watches yet, so on one hand i can see why these kind of events and sponsorships can help...on the other, i can also see why we shouldn't. moot point as the big sponsorships are still a bit out of reach financially. it's all very educational though.
note: my Y-3 snow boots are not only incredibly functional for all the snow [we had to push 2 cars out of snow the 2nd day!) but getting compliments where-ever i go!
don't forget, if you're in salt lake city or park city, come to our party tonight at the pierpont.
nookas always available here.