fashion brand, monarchy, by designer eric kim, puts on quite a show. monarchy is a leading men's and women's fashion brand that was established 2004. monarchy is a favorite among the hollywood elite and nooka was privileged to be featured in their fall 2009 fashion show this past friday on the male models walking the runway at the tents in bryant park. learn more about this great brand here. the boys at mao pr put together a great show – thanks for the great seats! i really enjoyed the music while waiting for the show to start, need to get the soundtrack. moreover, the audience was a who's who of cable television fashion. i was happy to run into old friend J alexander who i've known since we were both teenage club kids in a very different and gritty NYC [and so happy to see his continued success with america's next top model!]
unfortunately, my fotos are all too blurry to use, so using the ones on getty images for now. does anyone out there have better fotos for me to post?
nooka is available at fine shops all over the world and online here.
also, don't forget to vote for nooka at pulchra. the voting process may seem a bit tedious, but it is actually really simple. simply drag nooka to the number 1 spot, if that's your choice of course and choose the other 9 objects until you have completed your list. In order for your vote to be valid, you will need to complete the details form. remember you can only vote ONCE PER DAY, so make sure to log on the next day and do it all over again. link is here!
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