mike vadino, the graphic design mind behind dfa records has customized a nookanooka as part of the juan maclean tour nooka is proud to be an official sponsor. here is the official copy from the ad that will run in the next issue of vice magazine:
The Juan Maclean Nooka Robot is the not-too-distant relative of Nooka’s official mascot, the NookaNooka.™ Born from the sci-fi influences and music of DFA Records’ The Juan Maclean, and Nooka’s decidedly different approach to design, our little robot friend has already taken a liking to this planet. In fact, he’ll be hitting the road this month and next with The Juan Maclean and making appearances at select shows.
we will have a website with all the tour dates up by the end of the week where you can also view a preview video of how the mike vadino nookanooka was made! you can buy the juan maclean release, the future will come on itunes.
nooka featured is available at fine stores and here. join nooka and love nooka on facebook and nookaNOW on twitter.
Nooka is an official sponsor of The Juan Maclean US Tour this Spring.