now for the official launch, well official as in having the attention of buyers from around the world to see the new nooka strip [that's nookan for belt], nooka AO [nookan for wallet], the future distilled™ [the nooka scent] as well as our up and coming collections for our time pieces at project in las vegas!
we rarely do trade shows, but the strip, AO and fragrance all have more mass potential than our signature watches so i'm looking forward to the response...i think we're off to a good start as 2 of our products were highlighted in today's WWD which is their project las vegas special edition. learn more about project here. say hello to robert, christen and carrie as well as some regional sales rep who will all be there. i was told to stay away as buyers do not feel they can speak freely in front of the designers, as as much as i like making people nervous, i am also a business man.
can't make it to vegas, buy you nooka stuff or find out where to buy here. follow us on twitter.com/nooka and on facebook with the box on the right of this page.
on another note, this week has been full of amazing press which i hope to catch up blogging about. i was also in los angeles this past weekend [came back to nyc on tuesday night] which was a lot of fun, so i need to do a 'nooka loves L.A.' post soon too!