futurism is the central theme of every nooka product. we strive to think outside of the norm and in our upcoming series of genetic design innovations, nooka plants to release a unique tattoo process, and for traditionalists, inks to use in traditional tattoo processes.
these inks are based on a synthetic molecule coated with engineered rna and dna that causes skin cells to produce the pigments and/or scents associated with each color – ensuring that the colors will never fade and creating a fun interactive scent sensation unique to each design! these unique pigment producing processes are not only inspired by nature, they are sourced from the genetic diversity of our amazing planet – with 3 lines: plant sources from fruits, vegetables and flowers; insect sources for vivid iridescence and colors that shimmer in light or tell their stories in polarized and invisible frequencies; and mycobic sources in our medical line.
red is engineered from a choice of either strawberry or rasberry dna, green from mint, yellow from lemon, orange from tumeric and all create modified cellular bodies that enrich your body with micro-nutrients. unscented versions are of course available. please note that allergy testing is necessaryfor the mycobial and some of the insect derived inks.
How about a colorless invisible tattoo that produces the scent of your favorite cologne? a wide range of scents are available.
the nooka tattoo printer can convert any digital art file into a tattoo that is micro-injected thru a patented ink-jet process to the epidermis [for a temporary tattoo] or the dermis for a permanent one. and the beauty is that all tattoos can be removed with a UV pulse laser treatment! many of the my-cobial pigments can be applied topically or with an easy to administer bath
tablet. How about a floral tattoo that actually smells like flowers, or a scarab design that perpetually shimmers in the sun! WOW!
imagine a sunscreen you apply once that is invisible and weightless and creates a luscious fake tan without depriving the body of vitamin a and d! nooka screen does just that! a bioengineered symbiotic myco network built around brown chlorophyl modified from the japanese maple in a stunning array of skin tones is colorless until exposed to sunlight. sun exposure activates the chloroplasts creating a natural ‘tan’ that protects you from harmful rays. another part of the custom genome causes the symbiot to release vitamin a and d into the blood stream! WARNING, extended exposure to sunlight may cause a thin film of sugars to form attracting flies and other insects in certain environments!