i often feel under appreciated, and admittedly, i do require quite a bit of attention. i'm doing my little thing with rather large ideas and i know that not everybody 'gets it'. it is the occasional fan message that confirms that more people do 'get-it' than i imagine, and it inspires me to keep on producing new designs and products. here is the text from one of those emails which i received yesterday:
Your work is inspiring!. Your concepts for the future are not far fetched and may go misunderstood. Yet, in reading your blog they all hit home. They all sort of confirmed thoughts Ive been having for quite some time now. Thank you for creating something for weird intelligent people who like to look good also. I bought a yellow zub in july '08 to get away from the Casio rush that was going on. I needed something that set me apart from the masses. I forgot what I typed in google but it was something along the lines of "watches + colorful + new" and came across a Nooka and it blew me and people who saw it away. Your play on the idea of science, math, and good looks is AWESOME. Thank you for the refresher and inspiration.
it really is nice when people take the time to leave comments or write an email!
on another note, i was recently invited to join the space collective, an online community of futurists. i so love the word "futurist" that i even considered replacing 'chief creative officer' with it on my business card but was told that "futurist" sounds 100 years old. it's kinda sad that utopianism and optimism have an archaic feel to them now. i trust it will change. anyway, i will use the space collective for posts that are appropriate for that forum.
and since this post is really about me me me me me me, how about this quote from this week's guardian newspaper in the UK:
"James Gurney, editor of luxury horology magazine QP, reckons the renewed interest in digital watches is largely down to funky, New York-based watchmakers Nooka. Some of its models don't even have digits, just a row of lines and progress bars to denote the time." read the full article here.
summer collection is available at fine stores and here! follow nooka on twitter: nookaNOW look for posts from matthew waldman on spacecollective.com/NOOKANYC