Thursday, December 6, 2007

miami heist update

my hotel is super crappy...they have a thrifty car rental office right in front of my room! i guess it's perfect for people who want to wake up early in the morning to the sounds of people refusing additional insurance.

the space for heist is really nice [thanks to the sexy doug perkul of schatzi!] so if you're in miami, please come by. got to hang out with motomichi nakamura and meet scott bigfoot [both are artists in the show]. it's great to be in miami after 7 years – lots of development – unfortunately it's looking more like shenzhen china than a US city:)

map magazine party is here at charcoal studios tonight and blackbook tomorrow night.

also...i sold one big piece so far...the 60 inch c-print! YEAH.

i checked out the ink show [works on paper] and bridge. i never really thought about it, but having a one stop market for all things "art" is kinda cool for people who need to fill their 2nd and 3rd homes with expensive stuff. when i'm filthy rich, i'll send my personal curator though.

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