nooka has teamed up with 10 globally renowned japanese artists for a custom nookanooka exhibition to support the launch of the nooka strip, asset organizer and fragrance in japan! it helps that i'm personal friends with a good number of the artist. as timing has it, i myself [matthew waldman for those of you who don't know] will be there for the opening. if you're in tokyo, you should definitely stop by. this will also be good practice for the november launch of the mini nookanooka collabs we have coming up. we'll keep you posted on that.
at martina: JINGUMAE 3-4-9 B1F, shibuya-ku, tokyo, japan. 03 3407-1223 from wednesday september 30th - saturday october 3rd 11:00am - 8:00pm. party is friday october 2nd 6:00pm - 9:00 pm.
info in japanese here.
the artists that are included in the exhibitionare as follows: Taku Anekawa / BLANK / EDING:POST / HIROCOLEDGE / MATTHEW WALDMAN / Mikiko Minewaki 嶺脇美貴子/ Taro Mukasa or Takekasa 武笠太郎@ZARIGANIWORKS / Atsuo Ogawa 小川敦生 / SHIN TANAKA / T9G
and special thanks to mai-chan for supplying the glaceau vitamin water for the event!
nooka is available at fine shops all over the world and online here.
also, don't forget to vote for nooka at pulchra. the voting process may seem a bit tedious, but it is actually really simple. simply drag nooka to the number 1 spot, if that's your choice of course and choose the other 9 objects until you have completed your list. In order for your vote to be valid, you will need to complete the details form. remember you can only vote ONCE PER DAY, so make sure to log on the next day and do it all over again. link is here!
follow nooka on facebook and twitter.
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